What Your Body Needs To Feel Better

What your body needs to feel better is an experienced professional whose knowledge of every muscle and joint of the body is not just textbook knowledge, but actual hands-on knowledge.

Hands-on from a clinical perspective is called palpation, which can tell much more about a muscle than muscle testing. Craniosacral palpation tells a story about the body that muscle testing cannot hear.

This is a story about how the body holds up under gravity and physical injury. Joints are surrounded by many muscles. Postural stress on joints causes the muscles around the joint to guard and increases muscle tension. Palpating the subtlety of tension in the muscle complex provides a more detailed image of what is happening around and inside a joint. This detail allows us to see a global view of the body and can reveal the unique postural stress which is driving or perpetuating pain. In other words, it clarifies the underlying cause, also revealing exactly what is needed to restore balance, function, and reduce pain. Craniosacral palpation also provides valuable tools to check a patient’s progress in the context of the therapy.

To follow such in depth sensitivity of the body, Craniosacral Chiropractic has wide range of treatment modalities. During a visit any combination of these therapies may come into use; direct myofascial release (deep muscle work), indirect myofascial release (light touch, energetic), traditional Chiropractic and acupressure. Even after the first treatment most people feel significant pain relief and a deep sense of relaxation and ease.

Craniosacral palpation offers an ultimate sensitivity to the patient’s body. A sensitivity which discerns exactly what your body needs to feel better and can simultaneously assess the efficacy of the therapy and choose exactly what is needed for the best outcome.